Greedy Corporate Landlords_
Corporate landlords are shelling out millions in campaign cash to oppose The Rental Affordability Act -- and to maintain the status quo of seniors sleeping in their cars and families facing homelessness.
Band together
-- fight back.

Follow the Money
Corporate landlords will do anything to make more billions -- disregarding the working people that they hurt. They'll evict, they'll raise rents, they'll force people out of their longtime neighborhoods. Whatever it takes; they'll do it.
Californians are paying the price
Because of corporate greed, median rents in California are now higher than any other state in the country. Among all 50 states, California has the fourth highest increase in rents.
According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, a Californian earning minimum wage would have to work 92 hours per week in order to afford to rent an average one-bedroom apartment.
Unfair, sky-high rents have devastated California. Even though the state represents only 12 percent of the total U.S. population, it is home to 22 percent of the nation’s homeless population, according to the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Greedy corporate landlords don't care about the destruction they're causing, but we can fight back. Vote Yes on the Rental Affordability Act.